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Video Tier becomes Private Discord Tier

Attendance of the video hangouts has dwindled since the pandemic, so I’m switching that tier to a private Discord. Why Discord? Because everyone who gave feedback said Discord. If you backed me for the video hangouts, I’m sorry. I will not be hurt if you downgrade or stop Patronizing me. I will be having irregular […]

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July’s Japish Sausage

Because this all certainly feels like a jape. Last month, I hoped the RYOMS Kickstarter might round out at $50k. It hit $76,883, with 1966 backers. $25K of that was in the last three days. Plus, there were a few hundred sponsors. This is what we in the writing business call “freaking insane.” My reaction […]

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June’s Jitterbug Sausage

“The deck is clear, projects are ready to go, I’m ready to WRITE!” One lovely Friday night in May, She Who Must Be Obeyed finished teaching for the summer. The following Sunday, at five AM, she broke her leg. You look alarmed, so I’ll say now: she will fully recover. The next couple weeks were […]

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Apologies on Video Call

A couple Fridays ago was my wife Liz’s last day of teaching at the college for the spring semester. Summer break, yay! Two days later, 5AM Sunday morning, she put her foot down wrong and broke her leg. A freak accident that could have happened to anyone. I’ve spent most of the last two weeks […]

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May’s Magniloquent Sausage

(This post went to Patronizers at the beginning of May, and to the world at the beginning of June. Not a Patronizer? Sign up at This month was better than last month. If you look at April’s Sausage post, you’ll see that is a terribly low bar to clear, but I’ll take it. The […]

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April’s Anguished Sausage

(This post went to Patronizers at the beginning of April, and the public at the beginning of May.) Well, this last month officially blows. I just got news that Craig Maloney finally lost his fight with cancer. Craig was a regular in our Patronizer Zoom hangouts. The guy had the usual IT cynicism, but it […]

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March’s Malformed Sausage

Last month, I mentioned blood pressure problems. The good news is, I have the blood pressure under control. The bad news, it’s given me a cough so fierce that I occasionally fall over. People have told me I work to hard, so now I’m taking a thirty-minute break every four hours around the clock for […]

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February’s Fantabulous Sausage

Last month, I made plans. Immediately thereafter, life gave me a surprise. Since my last doc visit in June, seems my blood pressure has doubled. It’s been 80/110 my whole life. Suddenly it went to 130/190. What changed? I had my first bout of covid, that’s what. Fortunately high blood pressure is a well understood […]

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January’s Jalouse Sausage

(This post went to Patronizers at the beginning of January, and to the public at the beginning of February.) The beginning of the year. Time to not only contemplate last year’s failures, but to select next year’s failures. Not that I’m cynical. Truly, what’s the point of setting goals you know you will accomplish? The […]

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December’s Defiant Sausage, all-Patronizer hangout, free story

The longer I run this thing, the more I regret calling a buck a month “See the Sausage Being Made.” Because it inevitably gets shortened to “sausage,” and that leads nowhere good. Similarly, I shouldn’t have named that one level “Video Chat.” Obviously, it should have been named “Meet the Rats.” And my web store […]

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