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January 2022 Video Hangout

This seems like a really good month to stay home as much as possible. If you must go out, don’t click any covids. But why not join me on the evening of Saturday 22 January to hang out on Zoom and talk about random crap? My Patronizers’ random crap is usually more interesting than the […]

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December Sausage, and all-Patronizer Video Hangout

Hello my dear Patronizers! My big news is the tendinitis in my left arm and up through my shoulders. Apparently you can’t work for 20 years as a system administrator while writing dozens of books on the side without straining your body. Yes, I have an ergonomic workstation, split keyboard, and all the proper tools […]

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November 2021 Video Hangout

It’s the month for an evening meeting, so that the West Coast people can join. I mean, they could. Theoretically. If any folks from the West Coast ever appeared. I am increasingly convinced that the West Coast is a myth pushed by Big Geography. December’s meeting will be open to all Patronizers, so if you […]

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October 2021 Video Hangout

My October is filling surprisingly quickly, so this month’s chat is happening more quickly than I’d like. 9 October 2021. 10 AM EDT. Sorry for the short notice. I’m contemplating opening the December hangout to all Patronizers. I’m not sure if this would be to let folks know what they’re missing, or a bizarre threat […]

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September 2021 Video Hangout

I’m updating my monthly Patronizer stuff in the first week of the month, for a second month in a row? Wow. I might be getting the hang of this crowdfunding stuff. Probably not, but dreams are nice. Been wondering if I should suggest topics for these talks. We do seem to get by, though. Eh, […]

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August 2021 Video Chat

Hey, look at this! It’s the first business day of the year, and I’m doing my Patronizer stuff! Am I organized or what? The correct answer is “what,” of course. I need to add some text here to escape the preview, so… Video chat attendance is down still, but those who show up enjoy it. […]

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July’s Video Hangout

This month’s video hangout will be 17 July, 8PM EDT. Attendance is dropping, thanks to the vaccine and people being able to go out and do things. Barring a sudden surge in vaccine-resistant infection, I expect to stop the hangouts at the end of 2020. I’ll replace them with something else for folks who Patronize […]

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June Video Hangout

The video hangouts keep creeping closer to the end of the month. I need to shift them to earlier in the month, so that I have some flexibility. July’s will be closer to the beginning of the month, in the evening. Video hangout attendance has decreased as the year goes on and we slowly beat […]

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May Video Hangout

A bunch of you back me at this level, but don’t show up. That’s fine. I feel obliged to encourage you to fully exploit what you’ve bought, though. The most commonly discussed topics are Terry Pratchett books, coping with the plague, and the tech stupidity of the month, with occasional impromptu live drumming. There, that […]

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April Video Hangout

Hi folks, I’m scheduling the April meetup for Saturday, 17 April, at 10 AM EDT (14:00 UTC). I have two books out this month, so there’s a possible topic. Or we can continue discussing the impact of Terry Pratchett on English literature. Whatever. ==ml ———— Michael Lucas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. […]

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